

Green Wagon Farm
Address: 4960 Quiggle ave SE Ada, MI, 49301
Phone: 616-283-2842
About Us
Farm owners Chad and Heather both grew up in West Michigan. Chad was raised on a small hobby farm with a few cattle, pigs and horses; Heather, in the Creston neighborhood of Grand Rapids. Chad went on to graduate from Baylor, University in Texas with a degree in Entrepreneurship, while Heather pursued a degree in Nursing at Calvin College in Grand Rapids.

Chad worked to save money the farm’s first year, farming in the morning, working a factory shift, and selling veggies at a roadside stand when he had the time. The next year, he hired his first employee (Scott Townley) and started a small CSA. Heather and Chad met in 2012 during the farm’s third official season. Heather was studying healthcare at the time, but began to spend more and more of her time volunteering in the fields alongside Chad. Their relationship began that year, just as the tomatoes put on fruit.

Heather brought an aesthetic vision to the farm and nourished the farm team as it grew. She received her degree in culinary arts from the Secchia Institute of Grand Rapids in 2015. Her organizational skills, coupled with Chad’s philosophical and systematic vision are at the heart of Green Wagon Farm.

The Anderson family has grown the farm from a small roadside stand on borrowed land to the certified organic, family-owned, year-round operation it is today.

At Green Wagon Farm we practice by faith, with biodiversity our crop insurance. Every growing season is unique as we continuously adapt to changes in our weather, climate, and local food culture. As of 2016, we are certified organic by the OnMark Certification. We are always seeking to better uphold the integrity of the water, soil, air, and creatures under our care.